New Rails app using Apple Silicon

Written by Kent
Updated over a week ago
You may need to run this locally if you are using a M chip (Apple Silicon) Mac to make your Rails app and trying to deploy it on Hatchbox.
bundle lock --add-platform <platform-name>
Run this locally and it will place the platform names as one of the platforms in your Gemfile.lock 

After you commit and push those changes, this will allow bundler to download the precompiled gems in production.

The possible platform names are: (it depends on your server, the top two are the most frequent options, you can see in your logs which one to use)
  • x86_64-linux
  • aarch64-linux
  • arm64-darwin
  • x64-mingw32
  • x64-mingw-ucrt
  • x86_64-darwin
(Feedback is welcomed, good or bad. Please open a ticket if you see any problems or errors and thanks for reading.)

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