Learn how Applications work when deploying with Hatchbox.io
38 articles
A list of the supported Ruby versions that you can deploy with Hatchbox.io
Updated over a week ago
Choosing the Ruby version lets Hatchbox know which exact version of Ruby to use when deploying
Wildcard SSL certificates allow you to generate one SSL certificate for all subdomains
AnyCable is a high-performance drop-in replacement for ActionCable
Updated this week
Sidekiq, Delayed Job, GoodJob, Resque, Que, and other background worker processes are easy to add with Hatchbox
ActiveStorage allows you to upload files in your Ruby on Rails apps
Is Imagemagick or libvips installed on the server?
Staging environments are helpful for testing before going to production.
Have an application that doesn't seem to be running?
You can automatically deploy your app by sending a POST request to the deploy URL.
Cron jobs are commands run on a schedule and useful for many background tasks that need to run periodically.
Jekyll allows you to build static sites that you can deploy with Hatchbox.io
If you would like to force users to use SSL, your application will need to redirect them to HTTPS.
Hatchbox lets you specify the Node.js version in your app if you don't want to use the default version.
Rails migrations are automatically run on deploy on the cron server, but you can add an environment variable to skip this step.
If you get an error connecting to Redis, you might have forgotten to attach a Redis database to your app.
Deleting an app removes it from your server on Hatchbox
How to create an Cloudflare API token for wildcard SSL
Hatchbox serves HTML pages when your app is in maintenance mode or not responding
The ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor::InvalidMessage is raised when you forgot your Rails credentials key
Deploying Rack apps or other Ruby frameworks like Sinatra, Hanami, Padrino are easy with Hatchbox.
tl;dr - You can't, you have to transfer the cluster
Deploying with Vite is automatic as
A list of the environment variables you can use for deploy and post deploy scripts
Cloudflare requires some additional configuration settings to work optimally.
Caddy allows you to limit file uploads to a maximum size to prevent abuse.
Jemalloc is an alternative memory allocator that can be significantly more efficient than the default.
YJIT adds significant speed improvements for Ruby applications
External load balancers can handle SSL termination and load balancing outside of Hatchbox, but require configuration in your app(s).
Need to add or modify headers with Caddy? You can include a route in the application's Caddy routes to do this.
You can create a Caddy route to block requests before they get to your applications
Load balanced applications can use health checks to route traffic around affected servers